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Pre-Conference Sessions

How to register for pre-conference sessions
  1. Navigate to our EventZilla registration by clicking here.
  2. Select your registration (professional, non-member, student, exhibitor, sponsor).
  3. Click "Check Out Now".
  4. A pop-up will appear (you may need to enable pop-ups for the website for this).
  5. Select if you plan to attend the breakfast or lunch, or need additional breakfast/lunch tickets.
  6. Select the amount of Pre-Conference Sessions you'd like to attend (we have three sessions with a few different topics in each session, morning, afternoon, and evening [only 1 evening session topic])
Pre-Conference Session Topics
Morning Sessions, 9am - 12pm

Building Capacity for Resilience in Self and Others

Lisa Laughman, LMSW, ACSW

This session will introduce participants to a comprehensive model for resilience that integrates emotional resilience, psychological flexibility, mindfulness, self-compassion, and somatic practices.  The model includes core principles of healthy human functioning and several evidence-based theories and is presented in the context of social justice education.


Ethical Considerations Utilizing Bibliotherapy

NanDee Walker M.S., LPC-S, NCC, RPT

Melissa Winterschied, MS,  LPC-S, RPT-S

This training will explore ethical considerations of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the context of utilizing bibliotherapy.  Bibliotherapy is an empirically validated expressive arts therapy encouraging connection through storytelling, narratives, poetry, and the written word.


Connecting with Challenging Clients

Seigel Bartley Ph.D., LPC-S, CAMS-5

Mental health professionals can experience frustration and stress when working with clients who resist attending counseling sessions. The reasons clients present themselves as unmotivated, angry, or defiant to the therapeutic process vary in complexity. This presentation provides mental health professionals, coaches, and service providers with effective strategies, interventions, empirical techniques, and faith base principles to facilitate a favorable therapeutic outcome when working with difficult clients.     

Afternoon Sessions, 1pm - 4pm

Play Therapy with Clients with Anxious and Depressive Symptoms

Lecole Sanders Other, LISW-CP

This interactive workshop supports and inspires therapists to think creatively as they provide services for children and adolescents. The activities discussed will be useful for working with young clients who are being treated for a variety of clinical symptoms such as anxiety, depression, adjustment problems, and trauma. Therapists working with children and adolescents will explore creative play-based techniques using a variety of clinical tools, common children’s board games, books, many free resources and inexpensive materials. The strategies, games, books, and activities presented in the workshop will support and enhance the delivery of quality therapy. 


Documentation and Treatment Planning in Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT)

Jennifer Hall Ph.D., LPC, LPCS, RPT

The presentation will consist of didactic and experiential components. The basic skills of CCPT will be reviewed. Application of skills to current clinical work will be discussed as well as multicultural considerations. A review of assessment, treatment planning, and documentation of client progress through a CCPT lens will be introduced. Participants will watch videos of CCPT sessions and will practice ways to document treatment goals and progress inside and outside of the session.


Understanding the LLR Disciplinary Process: From Filing a Complaint to Adjudication

Jennifer Jordan Ph.D., LPC, LPCS, NCC, CCPT

Renne Dash, Ervin Bond, Tanya Williams   

This presentation will walk participants step-by-step through the investigation process for counselors used by the LLR Office of Investigations and Enforcement. The Board Chair, two investigators and the clinical representative on the Investigative Review Committee will explain the how to file a complaint, what consitutes a complaint, when a complaint is investigated, what an investigation entials, how long an investigattion may take and what happens once an investigation is complete. Presenters will provide example cases and will answer questions regarding the complaint and ajudication process. 

Evening Session, 6pm - 9pm

Creative Interventions for Grief and Loss

Pamela Wells, Ph.D.

Brandon Hunt, Ph.D.

All counselors will have clients dealing with grief and loss. Grief and loss don't exclusively apply to death; many client experiences are part of a grief and loss process. Counselors may feel overwhelmed and need help with how to best work with these clients. In this presentation, we will share creative interventions on how to best work with clients experiencing grief and loss across the lifespan and how to take care of ourselves as counselors. You will leave this presentation with hands-on information you can use in your practice tomorrow- and you will also leave with some specific tips on staying grounded as a counselor.

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